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Custom Software Pricing

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Determining the price of technology projects is a complex issue, yet important when choosing a software company. Hourly rates and project bids don't give a complete or accurate picture of the true cost of a project. The actual price of operating system licensing, maintenance fees and on-going customization is often not discovered until a project is underway -- and over budget.

DL Interactive gives you the real price, up-front and complete for every project. No hidden fees, no "scope-creep", no surprises. We have the experience to know exactly what's required to complete any job. The price we quote is the price you pay -- every time.

Less experienced companies often provide lower initial bids on projects, but don't include or realize all the expenses involved. At best, these projects usually end up costing several times the original budget and take significantly longer than expected.

Reliability & longevity of software are also extremely important when determining cost. Software that is cheaper but outdated after two years is always more costly than software that performs over a long life, regardless of the initial purchase price.

Another common factor is software that requires a full-time staff of DBA's (Data Base Administrators) in order to keep it running properly. The salaries of these highly-paid employees, plus the "down-time" that is always associated with this type of software is enormously expensive and will easily cost more than the original software in a short period of time.

DL Interactive provides real value for the dollar by creating the highest quality software -- guaranteed to serve for years dependably, consistently and maintenance-free. A good price is meaningless if you don't get quality software that does the job. When you look at TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), you'll discover that DL Interactive is the smart, safe choice. Completing a project right the first time is the economical choice -- and always our top priority.

Please consider the questions below when evaluating the actual price of your next software project.

Ask These Questions to
Determine Real Project Price
DL Interactive Pricing

Does the company you are considering have the experience to know exactly what it takes to complete a custom software project, or do they prefer to work on an open hourly basis -- making it impossible to know ahead of time how much the project will cost?

The majority of our work is done on a fixed-price basis. Our experience creating software for all types of companies means that we know -- and you'll know -- exactly what the project will cost before it begins, with no surprises.

What guarantee do you have that the money you spend will result in a working, reliable product? A good price is meaningless if you don't get software that works consistently.

DL Interactive has a long history and proven track record of creating dependable software that serves our clients year after year. When we create software, you are guaranteed a reliable, long-lasting and effective product.

After the software is installed, what additional charges will there be to fix any potential bugs, problems or compatibility issues that are discovered? Will a DBA or permanent on-site staff be required to oversee, maintain and ensure the continued operation of the software and operating systems?

At DL Interactive, we stand behind the quality of our software. We have never charged to fix bugs, problems or compatibility issues. Our software is developed to the highest standards and is virtually maintenance-free. Expensive on-site support staff is never required for the continued, smooth operation of our products.

Copyright (c) 2005, DL Interactive, NYC