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Software Services

DL Interactive offers a comprehensive array of technology services -- including a speciality in customized software development. We use the best technologies available to create high-quality software, required for the most demanding applications. Projects are handled from start to finish -- from business analysis to software development & support.

As part of our software development service, we also provide many of the supplemental services required for a successful project. These include computer hardware installations, networking, wiring & architectural services, security, telecommunications, training and support. Occasionally, we offer some of these services independently to clients. We are committed to creating the highest quality, most reliable software in the industry, and have been doing so for over 15 years.

A Few Words About Custom Software
The development of customized software is a highly specialized field, which requires highly specialized skills.

It's easy to find word processing or accounting software, but specialized software to help run your exact business doesn't always exist.

This is when you realize that you need custom software.

DL Interactive successfully develops software for some of the world's largest companies. It is our primary business, and we take it very seriously.

Some companies call the "Big 5" accounting firms when they need software. These are fine for accounting & auditing, but don't have the expertise or appropriate staff to develop custom software successfully.

This is not their primary business, and much of this software never works properly, ends up costing several times the original budget, or fails completely.

At DL Interactive, we understand the exact science of custom software development. Like a rocket launch -- if it doesn't work right the first time, it's an extremely expensive mistake. Our projects are done right the first time -- and every time. We guarantee it.

Another common practice is for companies to attempt to develop software "In-house".

Although it's certainly possible to do this -- the success rate is poor; usually less than 50%, and this statistic drops even further with larger projects.

The best business analysts agree that success requires focusing on your company's core business.

At DL Interactive, software development is our core business -- and we are committed to the quality, service and success of every project.

New: Network Wiring Services

Copyright (c) 2005, DL Interactive, NYC